A simple life.

We are better at adding complexity to our lives and businesses than we are subtracting things from our lives and businesses to make them simpler.

Some observations.

  1. Life is complicated. But we make it so. We say yes to things we know we should say no to. We people please, too much.
  2. We choose wrong careers, wrong universities, wrong partners. That isn’t a mistake. The mistake is how long we take before we correct it.
  3. So here is a rule. If you feel like you are on a treadmill, you almost certainly are.
  4. Remember that the phrase ‘a little more’ is the carrot to keep you on the treadmill.
  5. Beware of ignoring this. What gives you energy? Do more of that. What takes your energy? Do less of that.
  6. True wealth is being in charge of your day. Everyday.
  7. Less. It’s not a four-letter word.
  8. Before you can yes to something, you have to know what you will also say no to.
  9. Even if other people don’t respect your time, you must. If in doubt, say no.
  10. For what it’s worth, a simpler life is no less extraordinary.

‘I must create a system or be enslaved another man’s; I will not reason and compare: my business is to create. ‘ William Blake.