Three wins.

Three minutes and less.

  1. This is going out later than planned because I took our eldest daughter to the train station. She wanted to go to the nearest station because she thinks that would be easier for me. But I get to chat longer if the journey is longer.

A win.

  1. On Friday, BBC News announced the GDP figures from the Hiut Denim factory. 6 million watched.

The win there was 'Build it, and they will come is a lie.' Build it 'Different', and they will come is closer to the truth.

I listened (again) to snow leopards in the car. In short, build a category of one.

A win.

  1. I launched the Micro Blogs System Beta, and it sold out within 24 hours.

A win

I added another London date and an online date. I will let you know how they go.

Here's something for you to ponder on:

How to write an espresso?

This first line is missing a vital ingredient.

 It made you curious. But your brain is not fully engaged. It is like a coffee without caffeine.

 The caffeine of writing is emotion.


-      Emotion makes you feel something.

-      It makes you focus on what you are reading.

-      It lights up the brain. Ping.

 Most people on LinkedIn are writing decaffeinated. They share information. But they deliver it in a way that doesn’t make you feel anything.

 Information without emotion is coffee without caffeine.

 -      To grow your business, you must grow your audience.

-      To grow your audience, you must get attention.

-      Attention comes first.

 The distribution vehicle for emotion is your story.

 Think of the story as the cup to hold the coffee. It delivers the caffeine. The hit.

 To get attention when you write on LinkedIn, you need to write espressos.

 -      I call these caffeinated Micro-Blogs.

-      You share information in a way that makes your readers feel something for your unique insight. (The story is how you do this.)

-      That gets attention because it lights up the brain of the human on the other end.

The good news is caffeinated Micro Blogs take less than 10 minutes to write.

 -      Once you learn how to write one, they’re a breeze.

-      Because they’re easy to write, you keep doing them.

-      Consistency is how you win on LinkedIn.

Attention is hard to get.

You can’t write a decaffeinated blog.

Have a great week.

Hope this was short but useful.
