Three wins.

Three wins.

Three-minute read. Or less.

Welcome to week twenty of Three Wins, where I walk you through my process of launching an online course in 2024.

Even if you are not launching an online course, this will help you think about whatever you will launch. 

This week, my focus continued on the funding raise for Hiut. So, the course took a back seat.

But, even when I am not working on it, I am still working on it.

That’s the trick.

  1. The last piece of the jigsaw.

I must learn to get better at asking.

I have written thousands of Micro Blogs, and most of them ended without me asking the reader to do anything.

I am not even talking about a BIG ASK.

 - You know, just a simple sign up to my newsletter. 

 - If you like this, follow me over here. 

 - Or even, what do you think?

If Micro Blogs course helps you write in a certain and that gets you attention then it must be used to grow your audience. Therefore, at some point, you gotta ask.

The podcast I talked about last week with Tim and Noah, they talked about asking.

Noah spoke about an exercise of asking for a 10% discount when you buy something, even if it’s a coffee. It trains you to ask. Asking is a muscle.

That podcast got me thinking about getting better at asking.

A win.

  1. Learning from when you suck.

A couple of months ago we launched the Do community membership. It was a beta test. The intention was to create a space for the community to come together to help each other. 

Good intentions also need good execution.

A beta test is about learning to do something at another level. It doesn’t mean you can’t do the basics. That is misusing a beta test.

It has been difficult learning curve, but next week we take some steps to get this back in a good place.

When I launch Micro Blogs, the customer service matters. Answering emails matters. Doing the basics matters. 

The only thing that matters is everything.

I knew this, but I must make sure I never forget. 

A win.

3. The promise you make to yourself.

I was thinking about what makes you feel good. And my answer was to deliver on your words. You do the things that you say you are going to do.

The cornerstone of Micro Blogs course is setting an intention to write each day.

That doesn’t make you a saint. But it does make you consistent. 

 - The person you look in the mirror in the morning knows.

 - You did it.

 - Even if you didn’t feel like doing it.

Self confidence is an internal game. 

When you keep promises to yourself, you build self trust.

I like I deliver this blog each week. 

A win.

As always, I hope this was useful in some way.

Talk next weekend.

Have a good week.


What is the one thing you want to learn?

David Hieatt

David Hieatt

Bankrupt at 16. Thrown out of college at 18. Joined Saatchi + Saatchi at 21. Started howies in 1995. Sold it to Timberland. Left. Started The Do Lectures. Started Hiut Denim Co.

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