Three-minute read. Or less.
Welcome to week thirty-one of Three Wins, where I walk you through my process of launching an online course in 2024.
Even if you are not launching an online course, this will help you think about whatever you will launch.
Shall we?
- Time. 🕰️
There is nothing like going to a wedding to see up close the passing of time.
You are with people you haven't seen for a while, and you are secretly thinking, 'Crikey, they've aged.' strikes you that they may be thinking the same thing about you.
I use these reminders of time to try and honour the blank page in front of me...
- It's the opportunity.
- The chance.
- That moment that could deliver my life's work.
As young Harry at last night's wedding blasted out Robbie Williams's 'Angels', it reminded me how that one song changed everything for Robbie.
(Young Harry is now not so young and now living in New York. At 21, Clare and I were doing the same.)
I was earlier in the week watching the documentary on the Beastie Boys and how one song changed everything for them.
This brings me back to the blank page, and we must change our mindset to see it as the biggest chance we will ever have in life, until tomorrow.
This week, I was building a landing page for Micro Blogs. I started by looking at previous landing pages I had built, and then I ignored them.
I wrote something that didn't look or sound like any landing page I had ever done.
I respected the blank page.
A win.

- Money. 💰
Next week, I film the entire online course.
It has taken me 7-8 months to get to the start line. The truth is closer to a year if I include when I started the idea process. Either way, it has been an investment of time and money.
(This is me working out the style guideline for the editor before he starts.)
But the value will come from how useful it is, not how much effort it has taken.
I keep asking myself this.
- Can this be simpler?
- Can it be clearer?
- Not can it be longer.
The value is in the results it brings them.
A win.
- Mojo. 🙏
I don't know why this gets to me so much.
Context: I am a Liverpool fan. And we had this incredible human as a manager. Then he told us he was going to leave. And that is what he did.
There were lots of speeches, lots of video farewells, and interviews.
But nothing touched me like him touching this wall.
Maybe it was because it was something he had done a thousand times before.
And this was the last one.
Sometimes, the little things can say more than words ever can.
Without giving too much away, I used this insight to change how I welcome people to the course.
A win.
As always, I hope this was useful in some way.
Talk next weekend.
Have a good week.
Micro Blog Autumn Series:
(If you are interested, contact Ask them if the early bird prices are still available, as I can't get any of the links to work. La la la.)
September 19th-20th. Wales. Micro Blog Mastery
October 18th. Micro Blogs Workshop. London. Last one for the year.
If you want to join the wait list for Micro Blogs, sign up here.