Three Wins.

Rethink time, money and mojo in three minutes or less.

Welcome to week thirty-nine of Three Wins, where I walk you through my process of launching an online course in 2024.

Even if you are not launching an online course, this will help you think about whatever you will launch.

Posting on Sunday again today.


I'm filming in the shed again this afternoon, but first, I have to clean the barn so our youngest can have her friends around. Sweep floor. Move stuff. Lift stuff.

You know, Dad stuff.

Shall we?

  1. Time. 🕰️

You save time by following people who are ahead of you.

This helps you get to where they are in less time. Michael Simmons is one of the best researchers out there, and I love learning from him.

He saves me from reading books that don't matter and helps me find the rare ones that do. He calls these quake books.

My next purchase will be: Why Greatness Cannot Be Planned.

Bringing this back to the course, if I can help people raise their standards because I learned from people who pushed mine, that feels good.

A win.

“Objectives can blind us to opportunities that don’t fit within their narrow confines.” Kenneth O. Stanley and Joel Lehman.

  1. Money. 💰

How much gold is in an Olympic gold medal?

In 1912, they had solid gold medals. It was the last time gold was, you know, gold.

  • In Paris, a gold medal is around 1.08% gold plating.
  • Over 90% is silver.
  • Over 6% is copper.

(I don't think the value of winning one is any less; I think that will never change.)

I am just talking in monetary terms, which has some important insights for us.

When a government prints more money, it is like adding silver to a gold coin.

They call it debasement.

  • Think dilution.
  • Think watering it down.
  • Think hmmm.

Without going 'all macroeconomics' here, this is an increase in money supply.

I am just planting this seed today.

It is something I will return to in future Three Wins.

(Hint: If you start dividing your assets by M2 money supply, you will soon find out their real value against the increase in money in circulation. )


If I bring this thinking back to courses, lots of courses promise you a 10X, even though they have never done one. They are full silver.

It is easier to make something look like gold than actually be full of gold.

The aim is to underpromise but overdeliver.

A win.

"When governments print money, they're not creating wealth; they're just redistributing it from the future to the present." James. InvestAnswers.

  1. Mojo. 🙏

I watched this quick interview with Tim and Arthur C. Brooks:

"You can increase happiness temporarily by wanting more.

Or permanently by wanting less."

Although not directly linked to a writing course, it sure feels like a good compass for life.

A win.

"Your satisfaction is what you have, divided by what you want."

Arthur C. Brooks.

As always, I hope this was useful in some way.

Talk next weekend.

Have a good week.


Next Up From Me:

Sept 19-21. Wales. Micro Blog Mastery.

Oct 17th. London. How to build a world-class event from a cowshed.

Oct 18th. London. Micro Blog Workshop.

If you want to join the wait list for Micro Blogs, sign up here.