Fall in love with a small win

The irony of chasing big wins is just how little success they bring you.

Hitting the ball out of the park is a beautiful dream, but a poor strategy.

The odds are stacked against you.

And, yet, we all keep playing the same game.

Day after day. Month after month. Year after year.

With the same result.

A better strategy that would bring us all more success, and I would argue, provide us with more happiness is this:

Fall in love with incremental gain.

The small win.

If pursued relentlessly, religiously and obsessively each day, this is a big idea.

1% better today than yesterday adds up.

If you compound the change, that comes to 3800% a year.

Or 38 times better than you were at the start.

So the key question to keep asking here is:

How do I get better today than yesterday?

If you ask this today, you will always have a tomorrow.