Time Millionaires.

For over a year I have been going for a dip in the sea with a mate.

Not every morning.

But most.

This morning was good.

The waves were Goldilocks.

The Geese were flying in ‘V’ formation.

But even on terrible days, it is still brilliant.

I get to swim in a swimming pool that is so big it is connected to America.

Putting up with the cold is the only admission price.

I feel better coming out of the water than when I went in.


We talk.

We swim.

We lookout for the seal.

We drink coffee.

There is no one else there.

Today he mentioned an article about ‘Time Millionaires.’ (Guardian.)

It made me think about Jake Burton - His success metric was being on the mountain 100 days.

It made me think about an old boss who said his goal was to canoe to work.

It made me think we must set interesting goals for ourselves.

Don’t let the treadmill win.